68,5 x 87 cm
68,5 x 87 cm
68,5 x 87 cm
68,5 x 87 cm

... The mass media world having previously been the main issue of the author´s interest, it has now been replaced by industrial topics. A human figure has completely disappeared from the pictures and it has been substituted by machines. The author was mainly inspired by the contemporary lifestyle of our civilization with its typical features like unnatural competitiveness driven up to an extreme, craving for a quick success at all costs, superficial “perfection” coming hand in hand with inability to recognize objectively one´s own limits and possibilities. A lot of us thus – at least in our outer performance – become emotional idiots with complete absence of social intelligence, “perfectly” functioning machines programmed by our own login password.


In the drawings we then, admittedly, don´t find a single person, however, the issue of a man and machine is ever present. The general impression is underlined by the captions in a shape of labels with technical measures describing the criteria of output, profit, return; all of it being carried out in effect pastel colours. The drawings are not signed in a traditional way but each of them is provided with a production label containing all the relevant data. The author here completely submitted his creating process to the chosen concept: he worked at (almost) precise time intervals, consistently observing the established “working technology”.

Pelichovský´s work oscillates in strange paradoxes. On one hand, there is fascination by specific beauty of modern technology, electronic music (especially the “robotic engineers” Kraftwerk, both the world and domestic electronic stage, industrial classic EINSTURZENDE NEUBAUTEN, Swiss The Young Gods, Slovene Laibach); on the other hand, there appear feelings of fatigue, emptiness and alienation resulting from the over technical world, fear of the “dominance” of technology and technical positivism with which is certainly connected the emphasis on craftsmanship and traditional hand work.