60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
60 x 100 cm
From the opening of International Contemporary Art Fair "ART PRAGUE" 2014
From the opening of International Contemporary Art Fair "ART PRAGUE" 2014

The monothematic cycle of monochromatic “drawings”, or rather engravings, on aluminium boards of the unified size 60 x 100 cm originates in the author´s long lasting interest in the modern architecture of 20th century; it loosely follows up the previous cycles called Panelstory(2009) and Metropolis (2007). It depicts mainly buildings and technical facilities serving especially for the purposes of winter recreation throughout the area of the former Czechoslovakia between the 60s and 80s of 20th century.

The name of the project – Out of Season – refers in a symbolic way both to this not exactly popular period of so called normalization, when we used to live in a strange vacuum, “out”, without any possibility of normal, free, natural evolvement, and to the buildings themselves as their appearance (and often their location, too) stood “out” of the official period taste and it still does stand “out” of the contemporary aesthetic measure of the majority of the population. The figural part is here – intentionally – left out completely as well as the surrounding nature; the stylized and abstracted details of the facades and metal constructions prevail over the true reality depiction.

The intention of the author (born in 1975) is not to rehabilitate (let alone celebrate) the above mentioned period of normalization; he is rather concerned about pointing out the peculiar, specific beauty of some buildings which were at the time of their origin viewed – quite understandably under the influence of the period political circumstances - as some repulsive monsters, and this view has prevailed in many people – somewhat automatically – until now. And on the top of that, this kind of architecture is on the very edge of the interest of both laic and (apart from a few exceptions) expert public. It then often happens, unfortunately, that some insensitive, sometimes almost devastating interventions into the original shape of these objects are carried out and – among other things – quite often for purely commercial reasons. The author is convinced though that some of the buildings (especially those designed in the 60s) already show timeless qualities.

The goal of the project Out of Season is then to revaluate, disturb, shake that long time adopted, simplified, stereotypical, negative view of most people; to look at this issue otherwise, from a distance, in new circumstances; eventually to provoke the discussion about this still rather neglected topic and also – and that may be a bit of an overstatement – to record the “story” of the upland architecture in Czechoslovakia of the last forty years.